November 27 is
The First Sunday in Advent
Join us during the 10am Sunday School hour to make an Advent wreath for home use! Bring:
- an Advent wreath form, if you have one (if you don't we'll have some extras)
Participate in ELCA Good Gifts program
Give a family in need a hand-up by purchasing chicks, honey bees, a pig, a goat, or other types of gifts to help them succeed. Give for the sake of giving - OR - give in honor of someone on your Christmas list, instead of buying them something they don't need. Gifts are represented as ornaments on our Good Gifts tree, found in the Narthex. You may participate anytime through Christmas Day.
Purchase a Poinsettia
in honor or in memory of someone to help decorate our space for the season. A sign-up will be in the Narthex Nov. 27 & Dec. 4. Poinsettias may be taken home after worship on Christmas Day or Jan. 1.